
Dr Brenda Jamnik has been developing and delivering a range of programs internationally. A small sample of these programs are provided below:

Moha, Indonesia

Working with the Ministry of Home Affairs to assist them to build a competency based framework that will benefit the 4 million Civil Servants.

These relationship are consolidated by delivering additional training in Jakarta, and sharing knowledge with varying stakeholders ranging from delivering a key note speech to the Civil Servant University to discussing needs with the Governor.

Program profile:

This program was designed to build the knowledge and skills of 17 Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (MoHA) staff, allowing them to strengthen their Leadership function within the Ministry.

Overview and objectives:

The program supported MoHA to acquire, utilise and analyse current and relevant data, enabling the Ministry to make informed decisions, and progressing its vision for good governance within the Republic of Indonesia. Provided with a theoretical-basis for large scale data collection – through lectures, workshops, site visits, industry experts and practical examples. Participants developed skills to critically analyse the impact of research, and establish a project that they implemented on their return. Objectives were to:

(a) Increase leadership skills of current and future leaders and mid-career professionals who will be in a position to advance priority foreign affairs and development issues in the short to medium term with the purpose to provide high-quality training, exchange of expertise, skills

(b) strengthen partnerships and links between Australian organisations and partner organisations in eligible Indonesia,

(c) increase the capacity of Indonesian Fellows to advance priority foreign affairs and development issues of shared interest at the country, sub-regional and regional levels. (d) assess in country the application of increased the capacity of Indonesian Fellows high-quality training, exchange of expertise, skills and knowledge, and opportunities to enhance networks on issues of shared interest.


Knowledge is the foundation of all wealth.

Building the knowledge of wealth of the Papuan Early Childhood Educators enabled them to change their mindset from feeling that they lacked resources to a focus on integrating the natural resources within their environment to their pedagogical practices.

Improve early childhood education for a productive and healthy society by assisting the Papuan Provincial Government and district communities to strengthen teacher quality and early childhood learning outcomes.

Participants developed confidence and capacity to successfully develop and apply new knowledge and skills to create plans and carry out practices that strengthen education quality and improve learning outcomes for young children.

They developed increased capacity to be resourceful and creative in their ability to assemble the necessary resources needed for effective early childhood teaching and increased skills and knowledge to design and monitor the use of simple, innovative and affordable learning resources that are appropriate for and respectful of indigenous Papuan cultures and environments.



Knowledge is the foundation of all wealth.

Refocusing 25 PNG Entrepreneurs from how to make money to how to run a successful business through reflection, comparison and engagement with the Sunshine coast Business Community enabled them to understand what business they were in. With dedication and perseverance they were able to develop robust business plans that illustrated their unique competitive differentiation, and capacity for growth.

Program profile:

This PNG Short Course Awards was designed to capacity build through knowledge, skill and developing networks; PNG women who are emerging leaders in Business Start-Up and those working in Non-Government Organisations who are supporting the empowerment of women in PNG, resulting in them gaining a qualification in a Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

Overview and objectives:

Designed to develop entrepreneurial, intrapreneurial, and general business skills. Participants learnt how to generate new ideas and assess which ideas were business opportunities, how to establish and lead a core startup team for the early stage venture. Understanding the essential components of a business model by developing one for their venture – identifying how value is created and captured and learning how to access financial and other resources for the new venture. This included: business planning, identifying target markets, promotional plans and managing operations This qualification will provided them with the practical skills and knowledge to identify and assess a new opportunity, plan, establish, promote and operate a new venture.


Aus4Skills Vietnam – Improving Quality in North Western Universities

Dr Brenda Jamnik ( Course Lead undertook the design adaptation and check to align with Vietnam context, and delivery of the course content including transference of knowledge from industry visits into the action /project plans.

Program profile:

Aus4Skills Vietnam – Improving Quality in North Western Universities was designed to capacity build through exposure to similar University environment and learn from their experience, thus developing knowledge, skill and networks;

Overview and objectives:

Designed to improve leadership and management, strengthen governance, and increase the effective support for academic success of ethnic minority students at Tay Bac University, Thai Nguyen University and Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry.



Making the commitment

Coming to the realisation that the current focus of the Vanuatu Education System was not setting their country up for success; the participants sign a commitment pledge to realign the system.

The new focus is away from passing exams to empowering students with skills and knowledge so as to build a financially independent Vanuatu.

Photo by: Adli Wahid

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